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The place where our customers send their friends!
Welcome to the Only
American Video Tape Store for rare German Movies and Old ZDF volksmusik shows.
Please note:
All video tapes are in the American NTSC VHS video
and will play on all VCR's in North America. We are closing out all of our
VHS inventory. This will be your last chance to obtain these beautiful ZDF
music videos and hundreds of classic German movies and heimatfilme. Due to
the limited demand in the USA, most of these movies will unfortunately never
be available on DVD in America.
Once our videos are gone, they're gone!!!
We have drastically reduced the prices on over 2000 video titles closeout.
Make sure to buy these classics while supply lasts.
On all VHS clouseout prices we will
send you a new or previously viewed tape.
Any 10 videos for
only $49.95
$19 s/h
while supplies last
Fuer eine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der aufgefuehrten Videotapes
klicken Sie mit dem Maeuschen an dem unterstrichenem Haupttitel.
Fuer ausfuehrliche Beschreibung des Inhaltes und Preis bitte am Titel klicken.
Ravioli Series
Wir verkaufen Ihnen gerne Ihren Lieblingsfilm auch wenn er "nur zum Verleih" angeboten ist. Einfach anrufen 1-800-252-1957 Eastern Daylight Time.
Das Erbe Der Guldenburgs
Fuer eine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der aufgefuehrten Videotapes und
den Preis
klicken Sie mit dem Maeuschen an dem unterstrichenem Haupttitel.
Das Traumschiff Series
Die Schwarzwald Klinik
Die Schwarzwald Klinik
Dubbed in English language
The Black Forrest Clinic
Fuer eine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der aufgefuehrten Videotapes und
den Preis
klicken Sie mit dem Maeuschen an dem unterstrichenem Haupttitel.
Donauprinzessin Series
Ein Heim fuer Tiere Series
German Language, 45 min. Each - Exciting adventures of a German veterinarian.
Fuer eine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der aufgefuehrten Videotapes und
den Preis
klicken Sie mit dem Maeuschen an dem unterstrichenem Haupttitel.
Ein Unvergessliches Wochenende Series
Ich Heirate Eine Familie Series
Jakob & Adele Series
Ein Mann Fuer Alle Faelle #1
Order # FD 119 ca. 106 min.
Ein Mann Fuer Alle Faelle #2
plus Ich heirate eine Familie #2 Order # RP
237 ca. 105 min.
Humor ist Trumpf Order
# PK 505 ca. 120 min.
Komische Oper #1, Humorous
Opera Guide cartoon Order # PK 666 ca. 60 min.
Komische Oper #2, Humorous
Opera Guide cartoon Order # PK 941 ca. 75 min.
Lauter Nette Leute #1, six
funny stories Order # PK 130 ca. 60 min.
Lauter Nette Leute #2, five
more funny stories Order # PK 920 ca. 90 min.
Leute wie du und ich Order
# PK 127 ca. 60 min.
Berliner Weisse Mit Schuss
Order # PK 760
30 Day Rental Rates
Rental charges for a
30 day period. Shipping time is included in this period.
1 Tape
5 Tapes
2 Tapes
6 Tapes
3 Tapes
7 Tapes
4 Tapes
8 Tapes
The shipping charges to you are included in our low, low rental fees above. You are responsible for paying the return shipping. We ship via UPS and most orders are processed and leave our store the same day they are received. We also include an order form on which to place your next order if you so desire. There is aboslutely no obligation to rent more videos. The shipping container is usually suitable for use to return your tapes to us. We even enclose a mailing label with our address and your return address which may be placed on the container when you return your tapes. What could be easier?
We also rent videos to schools.
Schools may use the rates listed above if order is secured with a charge card.
If invoicing is required, the charge is $25.00
per tape.
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How else may I place an order?
Click on the envelope below to send e-mail
to the German Language Video Center!
Not responsible for typographical
Video run times are approximate.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
Send comments regarding contents of this
page to
Member VSDA since 1985.
Last modified: Friday, October 21, 2016 2:18 PM | |
German Language Video Center© 1997/2016 | |
Website copyrighted 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 No reproduction or download allowed for commercial purposes without written permission. GLVC 2016©. |