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Fasching - Karneval - Fassnacht
German Mardi Gras Videos

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newEinmal im Jahr ist Karneval MU 1801
ca. 120 min. - Jeck geht's los - Karnevalistische Hochstimmung mit Alaaf und Helau. "Einmal nur im Jahr ist Karneval" - das hat schon der bekannte rheinische Schlager gleichen Namens so treffend erkannt. In der grossen Festhalle treffen sich Narren und jecken aus dem gesamten Rheinland. Auch Sie sind eingeladen, sich diesem froehlich-naerrischen Treiben singend und schunkelnd anzuschliessen.
**No Longer Available**


new iconUeberall ist Karneval MU 1800
pk-1800 ca. 105 min. - Mit Rex Gildo, Cindy & Bert, Roberto Blanco, Juergen Marcus, Chris Roberts, Michael Holm, Costa Cordalis u.v.a. "Narren feiern ueberall - Fastnacht, Fasching, Karneval!" Unter diesem Motto steht dieses stimmungsgeladene Video der Sonderklasse. Auf einer grossen Prunksitzung treffen sich Karnevalisten aus allen Teilen Deutschlands in der Ortenauhalle in Offenburg. Buettenredner, Stimmungskanonen, meisterhafte Tanzgarden, Musikkorps, Fanfarenblaeser und ein Riesenaufgebot an Topstars der deutschen Unterhaltungszene zuenden hier fuer Sie ein Stimmungsfeuerwerk der Narretei und guten Laune, das sich gewaschen hat.
**No Longer Available**

Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit #1 MU 816
ca. 114 min. - Karnevalsstimmung von Nord bis Sued - das ist Mainz und Koeln, aber auch Muenchen und Hamburg. Das ist "Alaaf" und "Helau", genauso wie "Ahoi" und "Hinne hoch". Dieses aussergewoehnlich schoene Video zeigt zum erstenmal wie die Narren aus allen Teilen Deutschlands Karneval feiern. Und Sie sollten kraeftig mitfeiern, denn "Die Narren sind los!"bringt auch den groessten Partymuffel garantiert in Schwung. Jede Menge altbekannte und neue Karnevalslieder zum Tanzen und Schunkeln, zuendende Buettenreden zum Kaputtlachen und eine Menge leckere Funkenmariechen zum Anschauen. Durch diese Nonstop Revue der guten Laune fuehrt Sie Rolf Braun, seit 25 Jahren Praesident der Mainzer Karnevalsgesellschaften, und die Mitwirkenden sind die erste Sahne des deutschen Narrenvoks: die 3 Colonias, die Paveier, die friesischen Spassmacher Klaus & Klaus, die Koelner Ulknudel Renate Fuchs, Veteranen der Buett, wie Kurt Wilhelm und Herbert Fassnacht, um nur einige zu nennen.
**No Longer Available**

Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit #2 MU 805
ca. 109 min. - Tony Marshall, Lotti Krekel und ein riesiges Narrenaufgebot aus allen Ecken Deutschlands bieten Ihnen ueber 100 Minuten lang tolle Unterhaltung. Das Schlag auf Schlag naerrische Treiben kommt diesmal aus der fastnachtlich festlich geschmueckten Rhein-Main-Halle in Wiesbaden. Unzaehlige Solisten, Karnevalisten, Saenger und Musikanten, sowie Akrobaten, Komoedianten und Tanzgruppen in farbenfrohen Kostuemen machen dieses Video zu einem ganz besonders schoenen Schau-Erlebnis. Warnung: Das Anschauen dieses Stimmungs-Videos kann schwere Lachkraempfe sowie hohes Tanzfieber verursachen. Bei den ersten Anzeichen (wieherndes Schenkelklopfen und rhythmisches Gliederzucken) bitte sofort zur Medizin (1 Glas Sekt) greifen!
**No Longer Available**

Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit #3
ca. 120 min. - Wir feiern Karneval von Nord bis Sued. Zwei Stunden Bomben Karnevalsstimmung mit einem riesigen Narrenaufgebot. Das Schlag auf Schlag naerrische Treiben kommt diesmal aus der fastnachtlich festlich geschmueckten Rhein-Main-Halle in Wiesbaden. Unzaehlige Solisten, Saenger, Karnevalisten und Musikanten sowie Akrobaten, Komoedianten und Tanzgruppen in farbenfrohen Kostuemen machen dieses bunte Video zu einem ganz besonders schoenen Schauerlebnis.

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Order # PV-
MU 888

Karneval in Koeln
German language, ca. 30 min.
*No Longer Available*

Musikalische Sonntagsgruesse - Fasching im Schnee PK 1935
ca. 45 min. - Mordsgaudi im oberbayrischen Schliersee-Spitzingsee. Mit Tony Marshall, Gottlieb Wendehals, Robert Blanco, Trio Klaus & Klaus, Die Kaiserlich Boehmischen, Die Fuerchterlichen, Die Alpenziegeuner u.v.a.
**No Longer Available**

*Treffpunkt: Alte Fasnacht
ca. 30 min. - It is the Saturday after Ash Wednesday and we are in Weil am Rhein. The "Alte Fasnacht" also called "Burefasnet" (Bauernfasnacht) has just been ceremoniously opened in the village square. The entertainment now continues in the pubs and inns, as 8 different groups of Schnitzelbanksingers go from pub to pub and recite their stories, poking fun of things that happened during the last year or of persons of authority. The Waggis (Alsation Bauern) and the witches have a last chance to pester the bystanders. The alte Fasnacht in Basel begins Monday morning with the "Morgenstraich." At the darkest time of night, it is 4:00 a.m., and every light in the old city is turned off. At the stroke of the clock, the drumbeat of the "Guggenmusik" can be heard as participants begin to stream out of their quarter of the city. They come from all directions marching to the same cadence and playing the same tune over and over again on little penny whistles or piccolo-type flutes. The only lights are those that the marchers carry with them, a little bulb bobbing down in front of them from a headdress or mask. The old festival tradition says that the beating drums are to drive away the spirits of winter and darkness so that springtime and sunshine needed for good crops can take over.

Order # EB 24 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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Order # PV-
EB 24

*Treffpunkt: Festival der Schraegen Toene
ca. 30 min. - It is, once again, "Guggenmusik" festival in Schwaebisch Gmuend. 20 bands with 700 musicians have come from the German-speaking areas of Europe including Switzerland, the country of origin of Guggenmusik. It sounds like they don't know what they are doing, but they are all accomplished musicians. The "Zunft" (guild) call themselves the "Falschspieler und Krachmacher" (cats' music and noise makers). We meet Wolfgang Poesselt, who studied in Basel and there participated in a Guggemusik band. After his return he started Guggenmusik in Schwaebisch Gmuend. He tells how difficult it was at first to get Guggenmusik going. Fastnacht has been celebrated in Schwaebisch Gmuend since 1417. Guggenmusik is a new addition since 1978. Now it is 16 years later and Guggenmusik is taking Germany by storm. At 6:00 p.m. the "Gassekatzen" (Alley Cats), the local Guggenmusik band, opens the monster concert. Imported from Basel, it is very rhythmic, played by ear and from the heart. It is performed by drums, brass instruments, the older and rustier, the better, and anything else that makes noise. A few instruments carry the melody, the rest provide a continuous beat. After the concert the celebrations continue in local pubs. The next morning the 20 bands play for a packed audience in the Sporthalle. The most original Guggenmusik instrument receives an award.

Order # EB 9393 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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Order # PV-
EB 9393

*Treffpunkt: Fraenkisches Narrentreffen
ca. 30 min. - The Blecker, symbol of the town, is very much a part of the celebration in Buchen. Kissing the Blecker brings good luck. There is a clip explaining the history of the "Blecker." It can be seen in many forms and variations on buildings throughout the town and appears on many old documents. In 1931 the Blecker Society was founded. It is "Fastnacht" in Buchen in Badish Frankonia in the Odenwald. Groups have come from the whole area to participate. Documentation about Buchen's celebration goes back to 1447 when the town was given permission by the Fuerstbischof of Mainz to celebrate Fastnacht. The masqueraders got in trouble several times. In 1839 they were temporarily suspended. In 1867 the mayor announced that indecent and vulgar types of masks were not allowed. In recent years the church had objections which were worked out. The Huddelbetz costume consists of pants, a shirt, a pointed fool's hat, white collar and a switch. "Hudde'l alre "Flecken," litte bits of material which are sewn together for the costumes. In poorer times these were made of pieces of clothing no longer useful. An adult costume requires app. 2000 pieces. The word "Huddelbetz" refers to the costume as well as to the person in it.

Order # EB 25 Qas $14.95 new $9.95

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Order # PV-
EB 25

*Treffpunkt: Hirrlinger Butzenzunft
ca. 30 min. - It is the Saturday evening before Ash Wednesday and masked groups from the Alt Neckar area are gathering in the village of Hirrlingen (Tuebingen county) for the "Naerrisches Wochenende" (foolish weekend). They will participate tomorrow in the big parade. The masks, uniformity of group and of movement betray their Swabian-Alemannic origin. The final foolish weekend is not only celebrated in the big cities. With torches and entertaining onlookers, they move towards the Fest tent for the "Brauchtumsfest" (folklore festival). Thomas Klinghammer announces the Rottenburger Pompele in their beautifully carved masks. In the tent, Fasnet groups entertain and introduce their local customs. The Felben with their Felbenkoepf (symbolizing tree stumps) from the Kuebelesmarkt, Bad Cannstatt are storming the stage. One of the oldest groups, the "Narrenzunft" (fools' guild) from Haigerloch with their bishops demonstrate an initiation ceremony. In an interlude we are introduced to the long history of the Fasnet in Hirrlingen. Hirrlingen was settled in the 5th century by the Alemanns. Traditions remained alive up to WW II. Preparations for Fasnacht began at Candlemas(Feb. 2) when masked Butzen roamed the streets at night. They dropped in at the "Lichtstub'n" (a large room in a private home, where people sat together in the evening for knitting and chatting), there they were served a drink. Still practiced in 1930, the young men of the village collected apples from their special ladies. During WWII there was no Fasnet. Influences from the Rhineland introduced the Karneval Prince and Princess, but Hirrlingen decided to return to its own traditions. Masked children went from door to door to collect "Fasnachtskuechle." In 1962 the Butz and Butzenzuttel, with their very old masks, as well as the "Schlosshexe" (castle witch) were revived. When in 1977 the Schlosshexen became independent, the Butzen started a new group and now both groups of witches are roaming through the streets.

Order # EB 6294 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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EB 6294

Treffpunkt: Narrentreffen in Bad Waldsee
German Language, ca. 120 min. - Carnival in Germany and a parade of hundreds of people from dozens of cities. A "Faschingsumzug" with hundreds, even thousands of happy, masqueraded people on a Sunday afternoon. This is a video you surely do not want to miss!
Order # EB 20 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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EB 20

Treffpunkt: Naerrische Wochen in Suedwest 3
German Language, ca. 120 min. - Faschingsumzug aus Hirrlingen. This is a video you surely do not want to miss. Almost like video above, just more of it! Lots of fun and customs and a variety of happy music.

Order # EB 23194 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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EB 23194

Treffpunkt: Narrentreffen Cannstatt
ca. 30 min. - It is Fasnet weekend in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, put on by the Association of Swabian-Alemannic Fools' Guilds, every four years in a different location. The highlight of the weekend is the big parade on Sunday, hosted by the "Kuebelsmarkt" in Bad Cannstatt. The hosts are leading the parade. In a horse-drawn buggy the mayor of Stuttgart is followed by the Felba Koepf (symbolizing tree stumps) from the Kuebelsmarkt, Cannstatt. The Altweibermuehle (Old Women's Mill) demonstrates its purpose: in old and out young. Group after group, interspersed with bands, follow one another. Witches are on the loose but members of other groups are also having fun with bystanders. The masks are typical for the Swabian-alemannic Fasnet. Many other activities have been going on over the past two days. The Stockacher fools from Baden have put up the "Narrenbaum" (fools' tree) in front of the Cannstatt Town Hall. It was not an easy task with all the foolish help.

Order # EB 31 Was $14.95 new $9.95

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EB 31


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