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Welcome to the Only
American Video Tape Store for rare German Movies and Old ZDF volksmusik shows.
Please note:
All video tapes are in the American NTSC VHS video
and will play on all VCR's in North America. We are closing out all of our
VHS inventory. This will be your last chance to obtain these beautiful ZDF
music videos and hundreds of classic German movies and heimatfilme. Due to
the limited demand in the USA, most of these movies will unfortunately never
be available on DVD in America.
Once our videos are gone, they're gone!!!
We have drastically reduced the prices on over 2000 video titles closeout.
Make sure to buy these classics while supply lasts.
On all VHS clouseout prices we will
send you a new or previously viewed tape.
Any 10 videos for
only $49.95
$19 s/h
while supplies last
Here are some of our extensive listings of beautiful and classic
films from the last 70 years. Prices listed are the retail prices.
Remember all videos are in the American NTSC-System
and in German language only.
Please note: most of our old classic video titles starting
Order # IH, HF, CH or EVD will be discontinued; and will be no longer
be available for sale in the US once our limited inventory is depleted. We are
not able to reorder any of those films.
Order now while they are still available. Some films might be still listed even
though they are not any longer available.
Alle Videofilme auf dieser Seite sind in deutscher Sprache
ohne Untertitel.
Der Fall Deruga (1938)#EVD
Krimi, b/w - Willy Birgel, Geraldine Katt. Die Sache scheint klar: Dr. Deruga
hat seine Frau aus Habgier vergiftet. Nur seine Nichte glaubt an seine Unschuld
und ermittelt auf eigene Faust... Sold Out. Rent.
Familie Schimek #EVD 1063
b/w, The atmosphere of the old Berlin, 1908, comes to life in this story about
a typical Berlin family. Hans Moser, Grethe Weiser and many others star in this
entertaining movie. Discontinued - Order now while supply lasts.
Fasching (1939)#EVD 1251
90 min., Liebeskomoedie, b/w - Karin Hardt, Hans Nielsen. Im Zug nach Muenchen
verlieben sich zwei und verabreden ein Wiedersehen; beide haben nicht mit dem
Trubel de Faschings gerechnet; flott inszenierte Unterhaltung.
Die Freunde Meiner Frau #FD
b/w, 1949, ca. 85 min. - An accountant is boringly correct at all times. Until
a neighbor invites him to a bar and cabaret. Worried that their father might
be led astray, his children try to bring him back to his senses, until his wife
returns from vacation. Ein Wiedersehen with Sonja Ziemann, Carl Heinz Schroth,
Grethe Weiser.
Der Frontgockel #FD 20034
b/w, 1952, ca. 95 in. - A charming comedy set in France during world War II.
Beppo Brem, Klaus Havenstein, Harald Juhnke. A rooster named Kasimir enjoys
special status with the German Luftwaffe, since fighter-pilot ace von Flitsch
refuses to fly without his mascot. With the disappearance of Kasimir, the whole
company is plunged into turmoil Oberstleutnant von Flitsch, Staffel-As der deutschen
Luftwaffe fliegt keinen Einsatz ohne sein Maskottchen, den Gockel Kasimir. Kein
Wunder also das Kasimir in der Kompanie einen Ehrenstatus geniesst.
Der Florentiner Hut #CH 628
b/w, 1939, ca. 88 min. - In this farcical comedy a man searches desperately
for a woman's hat on his wedding day, throwing his guests and himself into an
uproar. With Heinz Ruehmann, Herti Kirchner.
Ferien vom ich EVD 1277
German Classic, 1947 - Komoedie mit Willy Fritsch, Rudolf Prack, Marianne Hold
Der Feuerteufel #IH 356
b/w, 1940, ca. 98 min. - Drama, Directed by Luis Trenker with Maria Holzmeister
and Bertl Schultes. Historical drama about Prussian and Austrian soldiers who
fight against Napoleon. In the mountains of Corinthia, a wood cutter from Kaernten
becomes a freedom fighter and battles the French Army and the hatred of his
compatriots. This film, written by, directed by, and starring Luis Trenker,
was his last third Reich directorial assignment because Propaganda Minister
Goebbels was displeased with its possibly subversive political message. Co-starring
Judith Maria Holzmeister and Fritz Kampers.
Die Feuerzangenbowle #TA 15
b/w, 1944, ca. 97 min. - Heinz Ruehmann stars in this wonderful comedy based
on Heinrich Spoerls' famous novel. Hans Pfeiffer, a young and already famous
novelist from Berlin, was educated by a private tutor and has no idea about
the pranks and fun of going to a real school. Then a wonderful idea is born
over a "Feuerzangenbowle". He pretends to be eighteen again, moves to a small
town to finish high school where he meets all sorts of oddball professors and
small town characters, falls in love with the principal's daughter and gets
to experience what he had missed. This film is pure enjoyment!
Das Floetenkonzert von Sans Souci
#HF 324
b/w, 1930, ca. 80 min. - Drama, Frederick the Great Orders the pre-emptive military
attack that begins the Seven Years' War. Featuring Otto Gebuehr, Hans Ruehmann
in Das Floetenkonzert von Sans Souci (The Flute Concert at Sans Souci) At his
palace, Sans Souci, Frederick the Great saves the marriage of one of his officers,
plays in a concert, and orders the pre-emptive military attack that begins the
Seven Years' War. When this film opened, German Leftists demonstrated against
its glorification of a patriarchal, all-knowing ruler. Directed by Gustav Ucicky;
featuring Otto Gebuehr, Hans Ruehmann, and Renate Mueller.
Flucht in die Dolomiten #RP
b/w, 1955, ca. 78 min. - Drama. Luis Trenker and Marianne Holt star in this
drama about Giovanni, a family man who is under suspicion of having killed his
brother. He flees his homeland to work at a construction site high up in the
Dolomite Mountains. His tribulations end when he returns home and learns that
he has been cleared of the murder charges. Wide screen format: Black bands at
the top and bottom of the screen are normal!
FP-1 Antwortet Nicht (FP-1 Doesn't Answer) #LSC
1932, b&w, ca. 113 min. - An engineer creates a floating airport in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and he and his pilot friend save it from saboteurs.
The film makers took ten weeks to build the miniature of the airport on a Baltic
island (the Greifswalder Oie), showing here as in other respects great technical
care. This very successful film was also released in English and French versions
starring respectively Conrad Veidt and Charles Boyer. Directed by Karl Hartl;
music by Allan Gray and Hans-Otto Borgmann; based on the novel of the same name
by Kurt Siodmak; featuring Hans Albers, Sybille Schmitz, Paul Hartmann, and
Peter Lorre.
Film ohne Titel #EVD 1106
1947, ca. 90 min. - Romantic love film. With Hans Soehnker, Hildegard Knef,
Irene v. Meyendorff, Erich Pont, Carl Voscherau, Carsta Loeck. Discontinued.
Out of print.
Die Frau am Scheidewege
#EVD 1075
b/w, 1938, ca. 80 min. - A lady doctor marries a painter. Maybe her sister would
have been more suited to his easy going artistic temperament. With Magda Schneider,
Hans Soehnker, Ewald Balser, Karin Hardt, Ilse Fuerstenberg, Paul Westermeier
u.v.a. Die Aerztin Hanna (MSch) heiratet den Maler Fred (HS). Zu seiner heiteren
und beschwingt-kuenstlerischen Art haette aber die Schwester Hannas, Ellinor
(KH) besser gepasst... Ein erfreulicher Film.
Frauen Sind Doch Bessere Diplomaten
#CH 534
color, 1941, ca. 86 in., Musical comedy - In 1948, a dancer goes on a diplomatic
mission to prevent the closing of her uncle's casino. This musical comedy was
the first long feature film made in color in Germany. Directed by Georg Jacoby.
Featuring Marika Roekk, Aribert Waescher, and Willy Fritsch.
Frech und verliebt#EVD 1237
1945, b/w, ca. 90 min. - Komoedie. Johannes Heesters, Gabriele Reismueller,
Carl Heinz Schroth, Charlotte Daudert. Da er als Ingenieur keine Anstellung
findet, verdingt sich der junge, kecke Peter als Detektiv. Uebereifer bringt
das Detektiv-Greenhorn in die Bredouille; flott inszeniert, wegen Heesters als
Jungcharmeur sehenswert.
Die Freundin eines grossen Mannes
#EVD 1207
1934, Comedy, ca. 90 min. - Der Film ist delikat und zeigt eine interessante
Mischung von Ernst und Parodie. Das Durcheinander von Buehne und Wirklichkeit
bildet einen pikanten Reiz. Auch der Humor kommt nicht kurz. Mit Kaethe von
Nagy, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Jessie Viehrog, Hans Brausewetter, Harry Frank.
Fridericus (also known as Der Alte Fritz)
#IH 240
1936, b&w, ca. 101 min. - Though his army is surrounded and his friends
and officers lose heart, Frederick the great eludes capture and leads Prussia
to victory in the Seven years' War. Directed by Johannes Meyer; featuring Otto
Gebuehr, Hilde Koerber, and Lil Dagover.
Friedrich Schiller #HF 426
1940, b/w, ca. 110 min. - The young Friedrich Schiller rebels against the discipline
of a military academy and the despotism of the Duke of Wuerttemberg, leading
him to write the inflammatory play The Robbers. Some commentators believe parts
of this film express anti-Nazi sentiments. Directed by Herbert Maisch; featuring
Horst Caspar, Lil Dagover, and Heinrich George. Sold out.
**No Longer Available**
Fluechtlinge #IH 327
b/w, 1933, ca. 90 min. - Drama, During the time of the Weimar Republic, the
German officer Arneth gets into political trouble and has to leave Germany.
He ends up in Nanking where he gets hired to train troops. There he meets a
group of Wolga Germans fleeing Russia, who try desperately to get into Germany.
Arneth becomes their leader. Under his guidance, they get hold of a train, manage
to repair the broken railroad tracks and begin their journey to Germany. Starring
Hans Albers, Kaethe von Nagy, Ida Wuest, Veit Harlan and many others.
Faszination Nackter Schoenheit #JUV
color, ca. 60 in. - Star photographer Jean Rougeroon. A symphony of light and
color brings out the beauty of the female body in a tropical setting. Lots of
nudity, for adults only!
Freddy und das Lied der Praerie
#CAN 41
ca. 101 min. - Black Bill, sagenhafter Schuetze, taucht immer auf, wo es gilt
die Armen zu schuetzen oder Banditen das Handwerk zu legen. Dieser Film und
die Musik ist fuer echte Romantiker unserer Tage geschrieben und komponiert
worden. Mit Freddy Quinn, Trude Herr und Mamie van Doren.
Freddy und das Lied der Suedsee #CAN
ca. 97 min. - Gold in der Kehle, aber kein Geld in der Tasche hat Freddy, der
wieder einmal auf grosse Fahrt geht. Von Romantik auf Schiffen und einem heissen
Abenteuer unter Palmen erzaehlt der musikerfuellte Farbfilm mit Freddy Quinn
in der Hauptrolle. Jacqueline Sassard, Gunnar Moeller und Hans Deppe.
**No Longer Available**
Fruehlingslied #KR 511
b/w, 1954, ca. 92 min. - also called "Heidi und Ihre Freunde", Heimat Drama,
Only 6 years old, a "Wunderkind" pianist is famous in all Europe. His manager
uncle demands strictest training. How can a well meaning friend convince him
to let the boy be "a little boy"? The most famous child stars of the post war
era appear in this heartwarming story. Auf den Luzerner Musikfestspielen erwartet
die in- und auslaendischen Besucher eine besondere Ueberraschung: das solistische
Auftreten des genial begabten sechsjaehrigen Wolfgang Fabricius, der ein Klavierkonzert
von Mozart spielen wird. Der Abend in Luzern wird fuer den Jungen, der in den
europaeischen Konzertsaelen zu Hause ist, wieder ein grosser Erfolg. Auch fuer
seinen Onkel der den Waisen zu sich genommen hat. Er will mit dem Jungen noch
viel hoeher hinaus und droht dem Jungen die Kindheit zu zerstoeren. Dr. Andermat,
ein Arzt, versucht Eduard Fabricius zu ueberzeugen, den Jungen nicht um seine
Jugend zu betruegen. Regisseur: Hans Albin. Darsteller: Oliver Grimm, Elsbeth
Siegmund, Albert Lieven, Rene Deltgen, Martin Andreas, Anne-Marie Blanc.
Fruehling auf dem Eis #VR
Austria, 1950, ca. 90 min. - Ice revue movie with Hans Holt, Heinz Conrad and
Oscar Sima. Turbulent comedy of errors about Ice Revue stars who are being played
against each other by their manager. A new ice show is planned, but the grand
opening is ruined by sunshine.
Funkstreife Gottes - Cash Die Quittung Schreibt der Tod
#KR 512
1969, ca. 83 min., nudity, Action-Thriller - The story of a gang of gangsters
who have stolen $2,500,000 in various currencies. a middle-aged man, the 'Major',
secretly catches the money at the Frankfurt airport and flies to Vienna to meet
his accomplices to arrange the handing over of the money. His plane crashes
during the approach to Vienna airport. he is badly wounded and knows that confession
and the 'Major' reports his secret. The accomplices going to meet the 'Major'
at the airport are able to watch the confession from distance and hope the priest
will tell them everything the 'Major' had confessed. To stay unknown, they kidnap
the priest in his home, but experience that he is not willing to tell anything
due to the confessional secret. With all tricks they try to worm the secret
out of him, without success. Now a run against time starts. Flugzeugabsturz.
Ein Unfallseelsorger nimmt einem Sterbenden die Beichte ab; eine Millionenbeichte,
denn der Pastor hoert hier vom Schluessel zum Versteck eines riesigen Geldraubes.
Die Komplizen des Verstorbenen kennen das Versteck nicht, aber erfahren von
der Beichte. Darum entfuehren sie den Geistlichen und versuchen mit allen Mitteln,
das Beichtgeheimnis aus ihm herauszupressen... Mitwirkende: Guenther Neutze,
Guenther Stoll, Tanja Beryll.
Die Frau am dunklen Fenster
#FD 2056
b/w, 1960, ca. 93 min. - A young woman has to decide the fate of a rival. She
has the chance to put the other woman behind bars for the rest of her life.
Drama with Marianne Koch.
Vor dem Hintergrund eines Kriminalfalls, steht eine Frau, die glaubt, die Auswirkungen
einer Kinderlaehmung ueberwunden zu haben, und dennoch in all ihren Lebensentscheidungen
unter dem Stern des ausgepraegten inneren Zwiespaltes steht. Als ihr das Schicksal
die Moeglichkeit gibt, eine wohl moralisch schuldige, aber vor dem Gesetz unschuldige
Rivalin fuer Lebenszeit hinter Zuchthausmauern zu bringen, steht sie vor einer
ihr ganzes zukuenftiges Leben bestimmenden Entscheidung.
Friedemann Bach #HF
b/w, 1941, ca. 100 min. - The eldest son of J. S. Bach, a gifted musician,
feels so confined by his family that he ends up wasting his talent and falling
into debauchery. Gustaf Gruendgens.
Fuenf Millionen suchen einen Erben (Five Million
Look for an Heir) #HF 444
b/w, 1938, ca. 87 min. - In this comedy, a German vacuum cleaner salesman can
inherit five million dollars from his deceased uncle in America if he proves
he is happily married, but his cousin tries to sabotage his efforts. Directed
by Carl Boese; featuring Heinz Ruehmann, Leny Marenbach, And Vera von Langen.
ok 9/12
Alle Videofilme auf dieser Seite sind in deutscher Sprache
ohne Untertitel.
For hundreds more exciting and stimulating German movies
of the last 60 years, click on the letters below.
Lange Zeit galten sie als "Illusionskino", altbacken,
kitschig und einfaeltig: die Filme aus der Adenauer-Aera. Aber Mode und Musik
haben die 50er und 60er Jahre bereits wiederentdeckt. Und weil der seitliche
Abstand einen notstalgisch-liebevollen Blick zurueck in die goldene Zeit des
Wirtschaftswunders erlaubt, stehen die leichten Komoedien, die traenenreichen
Ehedramen und die bunten Heimat- und Kostuemschinken ploetzlich wieder hoch
im Kurs. Papas Kino ist wieder in. Fuer die Jungen gibt es vieles zu entdecken.
Und die Aelteren unter den Videofans duerfen in Erinnerungen schwalgen an die
Zeit ihrer Jugend, als wenigstens im Film die Welt noch in Ordnung war. Jedenfalls
zogen diese Filme die Zuschauer scharenweise ins Kino. Damals kannten auch deutsche
Leinwandstars noch Glanz und Glamour.
30 Day Rental Rates
Rental charges for a
30 day period. Shipping time is included in this period.
1 Tape
5 Tapes
2 Tapes
6 Tapes
3 Tapes
7 Tapes
4 Tapes
8 Tapes
The shipping charges to you are included in our low, low rental fees above. You are responsible for paying the return shipping. We ship via UPS and most orders are processed and leave our store the same day they are received. We also include an order form on which to place your next order if you so desire. There is aboslutely no obligation to rent more videos. The shipping container is usually suitable for use to return your tapes to us. We even enclose a mailing label with our address and your return address which may be placed on the container when you return your tapes. What could be easier?
We also rent videos to schools.
Schools may use the rates listed above if order is secured with a charge card.
If invoicing is required, the charge is $25.00
per tape.
Alle unsere Videotapes,
nicht nur 'Rental only' konnen Sie fuer 30 Tage leihen.
Anruf genuegt: 1-800-252-1957 EST.
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to the German Language Video Center!
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Video run times are approximate.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
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Member VSDA since 1985.
Last modified: Friday, January 21, 2022 5:18 PM | |
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